Gynecologic Services

Kirchner Women’s Clinic provides a full array of compassionate gynecological and women’s health care for women in Seguin and surrounding areas. Dr. Kirchner is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of female disorders and is committed to helping her patients with their medical and gynecologic concerns.

Patient and Dr. Kirchner reviewing chart.

Women's Health Wellness Exam

Annual well-woman examinations are the foundation of good health for women. This includes a comprehensive history, review of systems, general physical exam, as well as special attention to the breast and pelvic exam. Pap smears are a part of the examination as well as other indicated preventative test such as mammograms and bone density scans. Regular evaluations increase the likelihood that diseases and conditions are detected in the early stages, when they are most treatable.

Gynecological Conditions and Disorders

The following are just some of the gynecologic disorders and conditions we evaluate on a regular basis:

  • Menstrual disorders such as heavy or irregular menses and severe menstrual cramps
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain with Intercourse
  • Breast disorders
  • Urinary tract infections and vaginitis
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and abnormal pap smears
  • Menopause and perimenopausal symptoms
  • Family planning and contraceptive needs
  • Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure

If lab work is needed, they will be drawn at the time of your visit. Once the evaluation is completed, Dr. Kirchner will discuss any conditions found and options for treatment. If the situation is best served by surgery, be assured that Dr. Kirchner is well trained in advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgeries. Most of these procedures can be done in an outpatient setting or involve only a short stay in the hospital.

Dr. Kirchner has excellent working relationships with the finest physicians in other specialties, so if the need arises, we can arrange for the appropriate referral to complete your medical needs.

Dr. Kirchner looks forward to meeting you and serving as your OB/GYN throughout your life’s journey.

Give us a call today! (830) 379-1500

Kirchner Women's Clinic

Seguin's choice for Women's Health and OB/GYN services

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